Saturday, August 11, 2012

South African Curry

During the Olympics this year, the South African athletes have been amazing... particularly Oscar Pistorius, the "blade runner", or "the fastest man on no legs".  He is not only tough, persistent, and fast - but very gracious.  

My son-in-law made this curry dish for us just before the Olympics began, and I thought it was a good time to share it.

The term “curry” can mean different things to different people - similar to all the different salsas in the US & Mexico.  Typically curry is a spicy dish of vegetables and/or meat served with rice.  This version is specific to Port Elizabeth, South Africa.  Spices are what most people define as “curry” - and they vary region to region.

My son-in-law served his LDS Mission to South Africa years ago.  He has never forgotten this specific blend of spices and ingredients in the curry he enjoyed there.  In Port Elizabeth, you get your spices from a spice shop - mixed just the way you like them.  The woman who wrote this recipe down for him (see below) always ordered hers this way:  A mixture of Mutton, Mother-In-Law, Mixed Masala, Garlic & Ginger.    

In many parts of South Africa there are spice markets.  The spicy blends of curry powder have really unusual names - including “Mother-In-Law’s Tongue”, Mutton Masala, “Chicken Licken”, etc...  They are piled into pyramids in enamel bowls and you request your own special blend.  Travis’ friend mailed him her “recipe”, complete with the local dialogue. 

This dish is made with curry ingredients my daughter found at Winco Foods.  Probably not totally authentic, but Travis thinks it's close enough.  

Although I’ve never been to South Africa, I do love their curry.  It’s a delicious, filling meal that doesn’t take a lot of time to pull together for an evening meal.  The aroma that fills the house is so good - you’ll have to make it yourself to see what I mean.  If the US has an equivalent dish to curry (as far as being easy to make and well-loved) - I would say it would have the word(s) “Casserole”, “Goulash”, or “Skillet” in the title.

For the full recipe, go to:

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