Friday, January 8, 2010

Blackberry Lemon Brunch Cake - brighten up a winter breakfast..

Blackberries are such a splash of color in the white wasteland of January...  This sweet/tart, moist and tender brunch cake wakes up your taste buds.  Serve this alone, or with fresh fruit and a light, puffy omelet.  We stepped out of our (breakfast) box, and had this with chicken noodle soup on the coldest night  of the year so far this year.

I found this on a blog that no longer exists - so I can’t give it proper credit (or a link back).  But regardless of where it came from, it’s here to stay in my recipe stash.  I only changed the plain yogurt to sour cream, because it’s what I had on hand.  I can only deduct that is the reason it was so moist and delicious.

Blackberries are (surprisingly) hanging in there in the produce section this winter.  In the past it seems like you just have to hunker down and WAIT till spring to enjoy these luscious berries.

The original recipe instructed you to bake this in a loaf pan, and it didn’t call for any of these GIANT blackberries either.  I didn’t even have to get out my hand mixer - it was simple to make with a wire whisk and a rubber spatula.

The lemon glaze was sweet/tart - and so simple to put together while the cake is baking.  We cut it into wedges and served it with homemade chicken noodle soup - a sure fire cure for anything that ails you.

For the recipe & photos for this tart, yet sweet brunch cake - go to:

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