Tuesday, August 11, 2009

PERFECT Chocolate Curls - ooohhhs & aaaahhhhs guaranteed...

Over the weekend I attended my nephew's wedding in Spokane. It was beautiful and gave me the desire to make something AMAZING... But after the fifteen hour drive (both ways) - I decided to just dream about it till I caught up on my sleep. It did remind me of when I had one of my first successes in "fancy-schmancey" garnishes. So I thought I'd post it today.

I love it when something actually works... If you need an experience that validates your cooking ego - give these a try. Everyone will be impressed! And little do they know how simple they really are. If they only knew it has just one trick - TEMPERATURE of the chocolate - they wouldn’t oooh and ahhh (so keep it to yourself...)

For photos with all the hints you'll need - go to:
www.changeabletable.com ("full house" tab)