Sometimes I just get tired of gourmet... That’s when I pull this out of the archives and use it for a walk down memory lane.
I have to keep this “real” around here and share some normal comfort food once in a while. I guess you could say this is Recession Era food, but we loved it even before things got tight. My own kids, and now even my grandkids, love this dish. I made it for old-time’s sake when the grandkids came to stay last week. My oldest sons now call this “rest home food” - as they now enjoy things I used to have to bribe them to eat. Classy it’s not - but hearty it is...
When I was a young stay-at-home mother with six mouths to feed (plus OURS) the grocery money was often gone a week (or more) before the paycheck was in the bank. That’s when I relied on this recipe so much that now my oldest kids might still be having nightmares about it!? But there are days now, waxing nostalgic, when it just “sounds good”...
Leftovers are great - that’s the way my grandkids like it - a day later. Warmed briefly in the microwave, it has almost as much appeal as mac ‘n cheese - which is saying a lot!
For recipe, photos, and instructions - go to: ("full house" tab)
Some great comfort food here!