A mistake occasionally pays off... This resulted from trying to find a recipe idea I ran across a few months ago - then trying to reconstruct it from memory. Of course it turned out completely different than I envisioned - but it was even better that way. We think this is the equivalent of a Mexican Calzone - only rolled up like a jelly roll. Easy to store leftover slices for a quick lunch or dinner later - much like pizza!
Here's how it all started:
A pound of ground beef + hungry teenager home from work + 6:00 pm and somewhere to be at 7:00 + request for pizza = Uhhhhhhhh...... Sound familiar?
The human mind (mine in particular) is not known for coming up with something on the fly like this - but tonight we were lucky! I happened to have two pkgs of crescent roll dough, and I remembered a recipe that I had forgotten to bookmark a LONG time ago. So I reached deep into my memory and started to put things together as well as I could remember.
After we finished dinner, we both voted that this should be kept in the “make again” file. I also wrapped pizza-size slices in wax paper and stacked them in a resealable container for the refrigerator. These will be easy for one person to “nuke” in the microwave at a moment’s notice...
So... I wonder how these would be with biscuit dough? Bread dough? Pie crust? Pizza crust in a can? I’m looking forward to experimenting.
For this recipe, and detailed photos with instructions - go to:
www.changeabletable.com ("full house" tab)
I really like this idea - so versatile!