Deciding which (of my TWO) potato dishes to make for Sunday dinner is about as exciting as driving from Salt Lake to Boise (I apologize in advance to those who live in Boise AND Salt Lake!) Sometimes you just need a little something to look forward to... I tried tweaking my usual AuGratin Potato recipe - and it was great.
This was my chance to give my (much) over-used potato recipes a rest! There must be an unwritten ordinance where I’m from that makes it a requirement to have some type of potato dish for Sunday dinner. Something that makes you warm, happy, and sleepy (all at the same time...) These will do all of those things - but you will wake up and notice the change before your Sunday nap.
It’s important to use RED potatoes (as the other varieties tend to get mushy quickly and lose their shape when baked in a sauce) And (since it’s Sunday) I go for the convenience of DRIED minced garlic and onion... I’m too sleepy on Sunday to really notice the difference anyway. I’ll be a better cook next week! You may want to leave the skins on the potatoes if you want more color - but I still have a few fussy family members that will do anything to remove potato skins from their food.
For this recipe, photos, and tips - go to: ("full house" tab)
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