Monday, April 11, 2011

Pig Pudding. The name says it all...

Pig Pudding is a puffy cake, studded with raisins, that rises up through a rich caramel sauce as it bakes.  Over 30 years ago our neighborhood friends - the Lamoreaux’s - shared it with us.  The name “stuck” because it was scarfed up quickly - everyone making pigs of themselves whenever it was served.  

My family pretends to be patient and smile whenever I try a new recipe (which is most of the time, now that they’ve all moved out)  Recently, however, a few of my daughters asked why I haven’t posted all our OLD family favorites - from their years at home.  

About 15 years ago I painstakingly typed up our family recipes and put them into sheet protectors for each of my kids as they began leaving for college, missions, etc...  I’m quite surprised that those cookbooks are the ones that are now dog-eared and splattered in their homes - evidence of lots of use. 

This recipe was a favorite of my husband (and apparently, some of my kids as well).  They loved it hot from the oven, with a scoop of ice cream or drizzled with cream from the refrigerator.  The batter forms a very interesting surface as it rises through the caramel sauce.  Yum.
Today - I have found that it’s easy to divide and bake this in eight ramekins - then store it in the refrigerator until needed.  About 30 seconds in the microwave makes it easy to tip onto a plate - which is almost as good as fresh from the oven.

For the recipe, photos, and tips - go to:


  1. The old family favorites are my families comfort foods - can't wait to see more of them!

  2. Love the picture with the ice cream melting. That's my favorite part. It looks fabulous!
