Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stroganoff-In-Seconds... compliments of your freezer

Planned convenience has a price, but once you’ve paid it - the rewards are sweet...  This meal is made with Ever-Ready Browned Beef Cubes (recipe HERE) used straight from the freezer.  With a few additional ingredients, this can be on your table in less than 20 minutes.

I’m not a fan of freezer meals.  The texture & flavor - in my opinion - are lacking, and I can always tell they've been hiding out in the deep freeze.  When people say how amazing it is to have a month of meals in the freezer, I secretly feel a little sorry for them.  All I can think of is off-flavors, freezer burn, and watery veggies.  

But - to be fair - freezer meals have their place.  I’ve used them when getting ready for a new baby, anticipating a crazy week, and when planning for vacation meals.  

If I use the freezer in my meal planning, it’s usually only for key ingredients that have been prepped for easy use for later.  I’ve found that when I use these frozen beef cubes that have been pre-browned - there are none of those freezer issues at all.

The gravy turns out creamy and flavorful - all because the meat has been pre-browned with a generous coating of flour, salt, and pepper - and sauteed with plenty of chopped sweet onion.
This is even better with fresh, browned mushrooms.  Remember - like Julia Child says - don’t crowd the mushrooms, and they will brown beautifully!

For this recipe, as well as the link for the pre-browned beef cubes - go to:

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