Friday, April 9, 2010

From-Your-Pantry Taco Soup - great all year long...

We all have our favorite Taco Soup recipe...  But this one is completely from your pantry.  The ground beef is totally optional, but makes it extra meaty.  The nice thing about this recipe is the fact that you can rush home after a long day and have soup (actually READY) in less than 15 minutes.  

Recent disasters in the news make me take a good look at what I have in my pantry.  Could I actually live on that stuff?  And would I enjoy it, or just tolerate it to stay alive?  Or, is most of my storage in my freezer...

Looking for storage items that you know you will actually USE?  The items called for in this soup would fit into the 3-month supply category the LDS Church recommends.  Of course, you should store other items (such as wheat, dry milk, etc) for longer term storage.  

Most people can manage obtaining a 3 month supply by purchasing a little more at a time when you shop for groceries.  I have a good supply of all of the items used in this soup, and I use them regularly - even with just two of us at home.

You can’t go wrong with this recipe.  It belongs to my sister-in-law Peggy.  She uses her time very wisely, as she is involved in everything possible that is worthwhile.  So, if she is going to spend her time on anything in the kitchen it must be: 1) EXCELLENT, and 2) QUICK.  

There is always a pot of her Taco Soup at our New Year’s Eve Party.  We all bring a crockpot of our favorite soup (along with all our Christmas “leftovers” to share) - and set it out on a long buffet with all the extras that go with homemade soup - grated cheese, crackers, sour cream, corn chips, etc...  Peggy’s is the first one gone - in a flash.  

It is just simply - GOOD.  The seasoning is right, the blend of ingredients is perfect, and it’s just plain satisfying.  Taco soup has no “season” - it’s great all year long.  I like to have these ingredients on hand for when I have unexpected people show up for dinner.  

Check out the recipe for this time-saving pantry soup at:

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