Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Salsa Chicken - this is one GREAT crockpot recipe...

The-Best-Crockpot-Recipe-I’ve-Ever-Tried...  Hands down!  I was so surprised!  This is just perfect for those days you don’t have time to breathe in between all your multi-tasking.  Takes less than five minutes to throw together in the early hours of the day, and another five right before you serve it up.

Tired of chocolate by now?  Well, after Valentine’s Day you’ll be reaching for a recipe like this one as you “de-tox” from all the chocolate this past month...
My friend Sherrie introduced me to this recipe, and I was skeptical at first.  In my experience “delicious” = “complicated”...  Not so with this gem of an idea.  Sherrie found this on, and I wasn’t the only one hooked after the first bite.

Chicken breast in the crockpot tends to be dry and tasteless to me.  This was tender and moist, and far from bland.  I never would have thought of pairing this with baked potatoes, but it was just right.  Waiting till the end of cooking to add the sour cream and cheese kept them from curdling and separating as they typically do in crockpot recipes.  

A scoop of sour cream, guacamole, and a few diced tomatoes make this a colorful feast for the eyes.  So good!  (Check out this recipe for Great Guacamole HERE.)

For the Salsa Chicken recipe, with lots of step-by-step photos - go to:

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