Whenever there are young children or teenagers here for a meal, they are usually quite fickle when it comes to salads (always looking for foreign objects - such as nuts, coconut - you know what I mean!) For some reason, this is one buffet item nobody looks at with an evil eye - they just load up and enjoy. With pasta, meat, and cheese - even a mother can love this.
Whenever there is an event in our extended family, our amazingly versatile relative brings this salad. We always thought it was his wife that made it - but when I called to get the recipe to make it for a birthday dinner last week - she gave me her husband’s cell phone number and asked me to call to get it from him personally. When I mentioned I didn’t want to embarrass him at work - she said he gives out recipes all the time over his cell phone.
So - I DID call - and (while he was there working on a concrete job), he gave me all the hints and tricks just like your grandmother would. Times have definitely changed - and I’m glad that he feels like he can “talk recipes” with his aunt...
For this recipe, photos, and tips - go to:
www.changeabletable.com ("full house" tab)
Look at all those fun ingredients! That is one fantastic pasta salad!