Looking for a recipe for that legendary “Costco” MEGA-sized blueberry muffin? If you don’t worry about how they look - these are a dead ringer. I used convenient frozen blueberries, but I’m sure the results will be very close to the real thing if you use fresh berries. And if you are concerned about calories - just don’t ask!
As my children were growing up, they thought it was next to Christmas when I splurged and bought Costco muffins. They still love them - although, like me now, they realize they shouldn’t indulge in these too often (or they will look like their mother!)
Nonetheless, I still like to spoil them occasionally when we all get together for breakfast. One day this past spring I decided I would try to duplicate those expensive trendy muffins. I found this terrific “copycat” recipe on response board at a site called mycoupons.com. It was almost a perfect match (if you don’t look at them very close, that is!) And I didn’t have to pay over $5.99 for them...
For this recipe, photos, and instructions - go to:
www.changeabletable.com ("full house" tab)
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