Friday, December 2, 2011

Frozen Herb Cubes

This really doesn’t even deserve it’s own post - but it is such a time saver, I had to share it.  When cooking for one, keeping fresh herbs on hand is always a losing battle.  More often than not - I end up throwing them out after using just a fraction of what I had to buy.  Freezing them is a great alternative.  

I’ve seen this idea off and on for years on blogs, and I thought it made sense.  But until I actually tried it, I couldn’t really appreciate what a time saver it is.  

I love fresh cilantro, and usually have a mason jar with about 1” of standing water in it that does a fairly decent job of keeping it fresh as long as possible in the refrigerator.  But inevitably, when I finally get around to using it - it’s always slimy and discolored.  For all my good intentions, I still have to make a trip the the store to pick up that ONE item.  

Cilantro (and other herbs such as parsley, etc...) are a pain to finely chop.  So I decided to use my blender to do that unpleasant task.  The worst part was pulling off just the leaves (without the stems attached).  Once in the blender, the rest was a cinch.

I use this method for chopping large quantities of onion and other vegetables that I need in a hurry.  Just use extra care not to over-pulse the blender, or you will end up with the beginnings of a green smoothie.

Once poured into a strainer and drained - it was so easy to put a spoonful of chopped cilantro in each cavity of a cheap-o ice cube tray.  

Pour cold water over the top of each cube, and freeze till solid.  Remove from ice cube trays and place in zip-loc bag in the freezer.

My favorite part is adding it in - without any chopping!

For simple directions on how to put together this handy convenience item - go to:

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